Justice for those who use their knowledge to build a better world!

The world is experiencing explosive times where knowledge is threatened more and more by the institutions in power. There have been many cases worldwide where experts in different areas have been persecuted using the judicial system in order to meet political objectives, as seen in the cases of Javier Smaldone in Argentina and the Egyptian software developer and activist Alaa Abd El-Fattah, among others.
There has also been the case of Ola Bini, Swedish activist, programmer and security expert who after three years of judicial persecution by the Ecuadorian state is about to get a verdict regarding his situation, when his trial concludes on August 30th and 31st of this year. There have been many abuses against him along the way, so we do not expect anything more than justice and respect for due process.
Knowledge shouldn't be criminalized, states must desist from the instrumentalization of justice to serve a political interest!
Justice for those who use their knowledge to build a better world!