Ola Bini’s statement from arbitrary detention at El Inca Prison, Ecuador

First, I want to thank all my supporters out there. I've been told about the attention this case is getting from all the world, and I appreciate it more than I can say. To my friends, family and nearest ones: all my love - you're constantly in my thoughts.
I believe strongly in the right to privacy. Without privacy, we can't have agency, and without agency we are slaves. That's why I have dedicated my life to this struggle. Surveillance is a threat to us all, we must stop it.
The leaders of the world are waging a war against knowledge. The case against me is based on the books I've read and the technology I have. This is Orwellian - ThoughtCrime. We can't let this happen. The world will close in closer and closer on us, until we have nothing left. If Ecuador can do this, so can others. We have to stop this idea now, before it's too late.
I'm confident it will be obvious that there's no substance to this case, and that it will collapse into nothing.
I can't avoid saying a word about the Ecuadorian penal system. I'm being held under the best circumstances and it's still despicable. There needs to be serious reform. My thoughts go out to all fellow inmates in Ecuador.