Ola Bini's persecution is still ongoing. After consultations that were recently held within the framework of the XII Latin America and Caribbean Internet Governance Forum (LACIGF12), an agglomeration of organizations that defend human rights in the...

Ola Bini arresterad i Ecuador
Vår högt uppskattade kollega Ola Bini är gripen och hålls som politisk fånge i Ecuador.
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EFF Delegation Returns from Ecuador, says Ola Bini’s Case is Political, Not Criminal. Globally Recognized Technologist Still Facing Charges in Drawn-Out Prosecution. Read more here.
After almost a week in Ecuador, here are the findings of FEP in the case of Swedish free software developer, Ola Bini, a security investigator arrested in April. The consensus of the experts they spoke with was that an important factor affecting the...
El programador sueco y sus abogados temen que les "planten" alguna evidencia en sus dispositivos electrónicos, pues aunque nunca dieron las contraseñas, no descartan que hayan podido ser desbloqueados por las autoridades. Lee el artículo...
La controversial detención del sueco Ola Bini, en Quito, supone la necesidad de preguntarnos por las motivaciones del gobierno de Lenín Moreno y las de su ministra más fuerte, María Paula Romo, para propiciar un arresto sin pruebas suficientes y...
El programador sueco Ola Bini, detenido en abril por supuestamente atacar sistemas informáticos, salió en libertad luego de un pedido de Habeas Corpus. El proceso en su contra continúa y él debe presentarse todos los viernes ante la Fiscalía. En esta...
En nuestra primera emisión tuvimos a Ola Bini, desarrollador de software y programador sueco, quien contó cómo fue su detención, arbitraria e ilegal, según sus abogados, que lo llevó a la cárcel.
In a sit-down interview with teleSUR, Swedish programmer and data privacy activist Ola Bini opens up about his friendship with Julian Assange, his recent arrest and unlawful imprisonment in Ecuador, giving unique insight into the deteriorating prison...
Last week, an Ecuadorian judge ordered the release of Swedish programmer and data privacy activist Ola Bini, who spent more than two months in jail without charge. Bini is a friend of WikiLeaks editor Julian Assange. He was arrested in Quito on the...
These two videos are of Ola Bini showing his presence at the Prosecution's office, as requested by justice in Ecuador. This is the first time he attends. Prior to going to the office: The statement and questions after Ola Bini presented himself at...
On the evening of Thursday, June 20th, the Ecuadorian court accepted the writ of habeas corpus granting the release of renowned Swedish free software and privacy advocate Ola Bini, detained since April 11th, 2019 in Quito. After hearing the news, Ola...
Greetings to all of you at RightsCon in Tunis. My name is Ola Bini. I work on technical security and privacy issues. I’m writing to you on Friday, May 24th, 2019 from the provisional detention center El Inca, in Quito, Ecuador. I have today been...
We are getting fewer here. When I first arrived, we were around 95 people and around 30 that came only to sleep. 17 cells, almost all meant for a single person. Now we are 24 and around 20 more during night. People keep getting released. I’m glad for...
STATEMENT: ON COLLABORATION In yesterday’s bail hearing, both the prosecution and the judge claimed repeatedly that I have not been collaborating with the legal process. The implication was that keeping me in prison is a punishment for this perceived...
This is the letter submitted from the UN to the Government of Ecuador:
Boredom and the occasional brush with violence is probably the worst part of prison. Boredom, frustration, anger, depression. They all come from the same place. No one here is unaffected and I suspect many will have lasting psychological damage from...
It’s evening in the cellblock. Things are fairly quiet. It was a long day. Many had visits from their lawyers, a few got released; mos of them finished their sentence on Thursday, but Friday was a holiday and due to the slow administration, they only...
Most of the time we are between 80 and 90 prisoners in my cellblock. Around half of those are always sick. Part of that is bad sanitation, we have little clean water, but mostly it’s because we are a lot of people crammed together in one small space....
I’m tired. Sleep deprived. Prison is much louder than I could ever imagine. And add to that sleeping on the floor, in a small room with 6 other inmates, getting rest is a significant challenge. I’ve been thinking about my situation and the case...
Just outside the door to my cellblock, is the “calabozo”, the dungeon. Officially, they are called “reflection cells”. This is where people who misbehave are sent for 12 hours or more, without food and in ugly conditions. The door has a small grid...
El Inca is a prison that contains all kinds of people. People who didn’t pay alimony, people who committed fraud, recreational drug users, drug traffickers, murderers – and me - . One thing that surprised me a lot when I came here was how important...
In this prison there are not many books. There are a few Bibles and a copy of Ben Hur in my cell block. But that’s it. I’ve seen a library when entering the prison, but I never see people there, or with new books. No one seems to know or care. This...
As they dared, we too shall dare. Even though we have all to loose, as any other Latin American citizen that goes against what power wants. But they dared against us, the people. They dared to incarcerate whomever and whenever they want without any...
Two weeks. Prison here in Ecuador is a maddening mix of long stretches of isolation and boredom interspersed with random threats and acts of violence. Today was a break in the structure: visitation day. You can receive max 2 visitors for 3 hours. Two...
I'm sitting in prison- I'm in my cell. It's dark, someone took all the light bulbs in the cells. So, I'm sitting close to the door, so the light from the corridor outside can allow me to see what I'm writing. I've been here a week, but it feels...
Dear Prime Minister Stefan Löfven, On April 11, Swedish national Ola Metodius Bini, a free software developer, was arrested in Quito (Ecuador). He has been living in the Republic of Ecuador for the past six years. Ola Bini is now serving a 90-day...
Först av allt vill jag tacka för allt stöd där ute. Man har berättat för mig om vilken uppmärksamhet som det här fallet fått över hela världen och jag kan inte med ord beskriva hur mycket jag uppskattar det. Till mina vänner, min familj och mina...
Ola Bini är utvecklare, inte brottsling Som tekniker, utvecklare av fri och öppen programvara och som individer och organisationer som arbetar med att skydda säkerheten på internet, protesterar vi starkt mot det olagliga frihetsberövandet av Ola Bini...
De som arbetar med fri programvara och integritet ska inte ses som brottslingar Det ligger inget olagligt i att sträva efter personlig integritet Ola Bini, @olabini, välkänd inom den världsomspännande rörelsen för fri programvara och försvarare av...